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 A Joint Powers Agreement between the Watershed District, County and SWCD was approved in January 2023 for plan implementation. 

Advisory Committee

Advisory members have been approved. 

 The Advisory Committee members are local agency staff, citizens of the watershed, tribal representative, Canadian Watershed District managers / staff, and state agency representatives. 

Implementation Committee / Steering Team

Tracy Halstensgard, RRWD

Blaine Broten, RRWD

Tracy Bergstrom, RRWD

Janine Lovold, Roseau SWCD

Scott Johnson, Roseau SWCD

Matt Fischer, BWSR

Henry Van Offelen, BWSR

The role of the Implementation Committee is to organize and coordinate plan implementation.  The Steering Team is made up of local agency staff and BWSR representatives.

Roseau River Watershed Joint Powers Board

Roseau River WD:  Laverne Voll, Jason Braaten

Roseau County: Daryl Wicklund, Levi Novacek

Roseau SWCD: John Gaukerud, Ulrik Aaskov

Chair - Daryl Wicklund

Vice-Chair - John Gaukerud

Secretary - Laverne Voll

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